electronics - speakers

For as long as I can remember I love music, all kinds of music, and combined with my interest in electronics my audio equipment addiction was born! A bit of an audiophile so to speak! Here you can find links of high end audio equipment and related electronic links!


under construction

It's been a while since I first used the internet, and I'm hooked ever since! Here links to sites with either a superb design or sites telling you how to get you site of the ground. Sites that've been a great inspiration while building this one etc. And not to forget about those wall's, ideal to test your Photoshop/Paintshop Pro skills.


tools - online shops

It all started at the age of five(!), my grandma gave me a little cash due to her 80th birthday and my first claw hammer and sandvik saw, it only got worse from that day on! So here the links to tool company's etc.


schematics - homepages

As mentioned above, I have a thing with electronics (also look at the ego section for some personal projects!) here links to schematics and online electronic stores etc.

under construction

My miniature hobby derived from my short role playing adventures and as with many fantasy fans after reading Lord Of The Rings for like 8 times. The fantasy world is based on...ehh..well fantasy, and nothing gets your fantasy going then those superbly draw fantasy art. As inspiration I often use fantasy art to get me started on a new project.


custom - production - supplies

Knives are due to my tool and fantasy mind things to admire. I often use knife pics to get ideas for swords I think of using in a conversion. Currently I'm thinking of making a few of my own, stay tuned!!

painting - sculpting- terrain

Not much to say, it's obvious, I'm into converting mini's and painting them, all Miniature related Links, manufacturers, painting reports, galleries etc. etc.



All Official Dj Pages I could find

under construction

Being interested in the outdoors and survival here a few handy gear links. Shoes, clothing, tents, sleeping bags etc. etc.